The Web is for Everyone
At last night's Svelte Society London meetup, Rich Harris reminded us that the Web is sacred.
It is not enough for everyone to be able to access the Web... It is also essential that people are able to contribute to the Web. And right now that is too hard.
<iframe class="pt-8 mx-auto max-w-full" width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And @pngwn, who also presented last night, is doing his part to help. Gradio makes it easy for AI researchers to share interactive demos of their work on the Web.
From .
Posting on the Web yourself
You should not need to hire a developer to post your own writing or photos or videos on the Web.
- Pick a domain name.
- Write or upload whatever you'd like to share
- Tell your friends about it.
I wrote about this here and here
The reality is that it's easier to sign up for a service like Instagram or SnapChat, where you can share your photos with your friends, than it is to buy your own domain name, and choose a hosting provider and a theme, and publish your content yourself.
<h2 class="text-center"> How can the Svelte community help with this? </h2>
One way might be for Svelte to make it easier to render rich, user-generated content in HTML.
Having to install a compiler, or running a static-site generator, adds friction to something which should be very straightforward. Doing this dynamically in the browser is one of the ideas I'm exploring with gitkitjs.
<h2 class="text-center"> 🚀 The future looks bright. </h2>