Originally published at https://www.zeroasic.com/blog/zaui-release.
We are pleased to announce the open source release of zaui, our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain for building websites from markdown.
The name zaui originated from "Zero ASIC UI", where it powers the zeroasic.com website.
Zaui was instrumental in shipping our drag-and-drop chiplet emulation UI using custom Svelte components. The zeroasic.com website is statically generated by zaui and hosted on a CDN. In addition, the build is integrated into our internal python-based emulation tools, which handle requests through an API.
pnpm install -D @zeroasic/zaui
pnpm zaui dev
to open your browser.If you don't already have a content
directory you will see the zaui guide -- rendered by zaui, of course.
Thank you to all the contributors in those communities. ๐
To find out more, visit the zaui repo on GitHub or check out the guide.
{ "path": "/blog/zaui-release", "attrs": { "title": "Zaui, our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain", "author": "Jรผrgen Leschner", "splash": { "image": "/images/daisy.jpg" }, "date": "2023-12-10", "layout": "BlogPostLayout", "excerpt": "We are pleased to announce the open source release of [zaui](https://github.com/zeroasiccorp/zaui), our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain for building websites from markdown.\n" }, "md": "# Zaui, our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain\n\n_Originally published at [https://www.zeroasic.com/blog/zaui-release](https://www.zeroasic.com/blog/zaui-release)._\n\nWe are pleased to announce the open source release of [zaui](https://github.com/zeroasiccorp/zaui), our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain for building websites from markdown.\n\nThe name *zaui* originated from \"Zero ASIC UI\", where it powers the [zeroasic.com](https://www.zeroasic.com/) website.\n\n### How we use zaui\n\nZaui was instrumental in shipping our [drag-and-drop chiplet emulation UI](https://www.zeroasic.com/emulation) using custom Svelte components. The zeroasic.com website is statically generated by zaui and hosted on a CDN. In addition, the build is integrated into our internal python-based emulation tools, which handle requests through an API.\n\n### Quickstart\n\n1. `pnpm install -D @zeroasic/zaui`\n2. `pnpm zaui dev`\n3. Type `o` to open your browser.\n\nIf you don't already have a `content` directory you will see the [zaui guide](https://zaui.zeroasic.com/guide) -- rendered by zaui, of course.\n\n\n\n### This library provides\n\n- A preconfigured [SvelteKit](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/introduction) app with a [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/) dev server and build.\n- [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation), and the [Tailwind typography](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/typography-plugin) plugin.\n- Markdown rendering based on [Markdoc](https://github.com/markdoc/markdoc).\n- A set of built-in website navigation and page components.\n- Static publishing using the SvelteKit [static adapter](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapter-static).\n- TypeScript\n\nThank you to all the contributors in those communities. ๐\n\nTo find out more, visit the [zaui](https://github.com/zeroasiccorp/zaui) repo on GitHub or check out the [guide](https://zaui.zeroasic.com/guide).", "html": "<h1>Zaui, our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain</h1>\n<p><em>Originally published at <a href=\"https://www.zeroasic.com/blog/zaui-release\">https://www.zeroasic.com/blog/zaui-release</a>.</em></p>\n<p>We are pleased to announce the open source release of <a href=\"https://github.com/zeroasiccorp/zaui\">zaui</a>, our npm-installable SvelteKit toolchain for building websites from markdown.</p>\n<p>The name <em>zaui</em> originated from "Zero ASIC UI", where it powers the <a href=\"https://www.zeroasic.com/\">zeroasic.com</a> website.</p>\n<h3>How we use zaui</h3>\n<p>Zaui was instrumental in shipping our <a href=\"https://www.zeroasic.com/emulation\">drag-and-drop chiplet emulation UI</a> using custom Svelte components. The <a href=\"http://zeroasic.com\">zeroasic.com</a> website is statically generated by zaui and hosted on a CDN. In addition, the build is integrated into our internal python-based emulation tools, which handle requests through an API.</p>\n<h3>Quickstart</h3>\n<ol>\n<li><code>pnpm install -D @zeroasic/zaui</code></li>\n<li><code>pnpm zaui dev</code></li>\n<li>Type <code>o</code> to open your browser.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>If you don't already have a <code>content</code> directory you will see the <a href=\"https://zaui.zeroasic.com/guide\">zaui guide</a> -- rendered by zaui, of course.</p>\n<p><img src=\"/images/zaui.png\" alt=\"zaui screenshot\"></p>\n<h3>This library provides</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>A preconfigured <a href=\"https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/introduction\">SvelteKit</a> app with a <a href=\"https://vitejs.dev/\">Vite</a> dev server and build.</li>\n<li><a href=\"https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation\">Tailwind CSS</a>, and the <a href=\"https://tailwindcss.com/docs/typography-plugin\">Tailwind typography</a> plugin.</li>\n<li>Markdown rendering based on <a href=\"https://github.com/markdoc/markdoc\">Markdoc</a>.</li>\n<li>A set of built-in website navigation and page components.</li>\n<li>Static publishing using the SvelteKit <a href=\"https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapter-static\">static adapter</a>.</li>\n<li>TypeScript</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Thank you to all the contributors in those communities. ๐</p>\n<p>To find out more, visit the <a href=\"https://github.com/zeroasiccorp/zaui\">zaui</a> repo on GitHub or check out the <a href=\"https://zaui.zeroasic.com/guide\">guide</a>.</p>\n" }