Product engineer. Passionate about the Web. 🌍
Please reach out if you are looking for someone.
I'd ❤️ to work with you
- to shape and ship product
- work closely with customers
- read and write (and delete 😜) code
- collaborate on issues and PRs
- improve usability
- build automation
- measure performance
- refine docs
- handle on-call.
This website was built with Presskit on Cloudflare Workers.
Layout inspired by The Monospace Web 🙏
{ "path": "/", "attrs": { "title": "Jürgen Leschner", "siteurl": "", "description": "Learner builder, Product engineer. Passionate about the Web. 🌍", "twitter": "@jldec", "favicon": "/images/favicon.jpg", "splash": null, "navlinks": [ { "text": "Home", "href": "/", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "Blog", "href": "/blog" }, { "text": "Resume", "href": "/resume" } ], "sociallinks": [ { "text": "X", "href": "", "icon": "twitter" }, { "text": "GitHub", "href": "", "icon": "github" }, { "text": "Linkedin", "href": "", "icon": "linkedin" }, { "text": "Email", "href": "", "icon": "email" } ] }, "md": "# Jürgen Leschner\nProduct engineer. Passionate about the Web. 🌍\n\n> <a class=\"button\" href=\"\">Let's Chat</a>\n> <a class=\"button\" href=\"/projects\">Projects</a>\n>\n> Please reach out if you are looking for someone.\n>\n> I'd ❤️ to work with you\n> - to shape and ship product\n> - work closely with customers\n> - read and write (and delete 😜) code\n> - collaborate on issues and PRs\n> - improve usability\n> - build automation\n> - measure performance\n> - refine docs\n> - handle on-call.\n\n---\n_This website was built with [Presskit]( on Cloudflare Workers._\n\n_Layout inspired by [The Monospace Web]( 🙏\n\n.........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.........8\n\n\n\n\n\n", "html": "<h1>Jürgen Leschner</h1>\n<p>Product engineer. Passionate about the Web. 🌍</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><a class=\"button\" href=\"\">Let's Chat</a>\n<a class=\"button\" href=\"/projects\">Projects</a></p>\n<p>Please reach out if you are looking for someone.</p>\n<p>I'd ❤️ to work with you</p>\n<ul>\n<li>to shape and ship product</li>\n<li>work closely with customers</li>\n<li>read and write (and delete 😜) code</li>\n<li>collaborate on issues and PRs</li>\n<li>improve usability</li>\n<li>build automation</li>\n<li>measure performance</li>\n<li>refine docs</li>\n<li>handle on-call.</li>\n</ul>\n</blockquote>\n<hr>\n<p><em>This website was built with <a href=\"\">Presskit</a> on Cloudflare Workers.</em></p>\n<p><em>Layout inspired by <a href=\"\">The Monospace Web</a></em> 🙏</p>\n<p>.........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.........8</p>\n", "dir": [ { "path": "/admin", "attrs": { "title": "Admin", "layout": "AdminLayout" }, "next": { "href": "/blog", "text": "Jürgen Leschner - Writings" }, "prev": { "href": "/resume", "text": "Jürgen Leschner" } }, { "path": "/blog", "attrs": { "name": "Jürgen Leschner", "splash": { "image": "/images/bridge.jpg" }, "title": "Jürgen Leschner - Writings", "sortby": "date", "layout": "BlogListLayout" }, "next": { "href": "/private", "text": "" }, "prev": { "href": "/admin", "text": "Admin" } }, { "path": "/private", "attrs": {}, "next": { "href": "/projects", "text": "Projects" }, "prev": { "href": "/blog", "text": "Jürgen Leschner - Writings" } }, { "path": "/projects", "attrs": { "title": "Projects", "splash": { "image": "/images/sunset-rehab.webp" } }, "next": { "href": "/resume", "text": "Jürgen Leschner" }, "prev": { "href": "/private", "text": "" } }, { "path": "/resume", "attrs": { "title": "Jürgen Leschner" }, "next": { "href": "/admin", "text": "Admin" }, "prev": { "href": "/projects", "text": "Projects" } } ] }